
About me

I am a clown, author and director of the Companyia Patrícia Pardo. I was born in 1975 on the suburbs of Alaquàs. This job I have of writing, directing or clowning, I sell it or gift to other companies, too. During one year I lived in Barcelona and I got depressed as Pepe in Germany. Working an average of 10 hours a day, I am more worker than Billy Elliot’s father. All the work I can show here I do it without shame; the works which aren’t shown, and are deleted from the curriculums, I disown them even when I love mediocrity as necessary process in order to learn. I have no children just in case they become policemen. I have slept, ate and performed in more countries than Ringo Starr but I only recognize València as my home. I’m a vegetarian and, yes, I would eat your arm or your face, if it was necessary.

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