About us
Since the foundation of the company Vaivén, in 2008, he has questioned the unilateral nature of the performing arts, that way of doing things that has to be one way or another. He is committed to adding, to providing what is necessary for what they believe will make the circus grow without being tied to a predetermined path, which is why each show is different, it is a unique commitment but always with the same language, the global movement.
We always take as a starting point a movement scene, we create it and from there we look for the complete show, always in the search of a way to tell, without fear of changing because we are sure that we do what we like and that makes us enjoy what we do.
As a company, what we are most proud of is having managed to form an artistic family, where we all have our place and where we know that we can all be right or wrong.
From this premise, we get on stage to enjoy ourselves and the audience.
Some of the festivals and cities where we have shown our work are Chalons dans la Rue (Fr), Coup de Chauffe in Cognac (Fr), Fira de Circ de Catalunya TRAPEZI in Reus, Fira Tàrrega, CIRCADA in Seville, El Ejido Theatre Festival, The Door to the Mediterranean Festival, MOBA Festival, Vila-Real Street Theatre Festival, Festival Ane Brz in Ljubljana, Festimome (Fr), Bastid Art (Fr), Festival Tra Terra e Mare in Latissana (It), Festival de Teatro Marrakech, Coruña, Londres, Kalearte in Vitoria, Kalealdia in Bilbao, Umore Azoka in Leioa, Festival Salamanca, Pilar Zaragoza, Circo Price in Madrid. .. We left behind many lovely places, although it is worth mentioning Shizuoka (Jp), World Cup of Street Artists, Daidogei, as special guests, Sibenik Theatre Festival (Croatia).
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