My first idea was to throw myself into a purely physical state; the pleasure of moving, grimacing, gesticulating and clowning. To twist and deform everyday actions. To play with my impulses, moods and surges of euphoria. To be methodically, exhaustively delirious. The result is a series of situations which progress haphazardly, allowing room for accidents and incidents.
The character is a middle of the road, uptight guy who, once a week, gives rein to his flights of fantasy. A sort of «Saturday’s Don Quichotte». He paces, strides and stumbles from one place to another, pushed into action by his needs and desires. Today he dares, he trembles, he lets go, then stops and takes a breath whenever he feels like it. He runs away from his organised composure, and affronts his permanent anxiety. He feels inspired.
The raw materials needed for this street show are people and public spaces. Pierre Pilatte reveals and plays with their unique aspects. To play in the street is to give oneself a stage, a setting, a living theatrical space in perpetual movement. A place which invites transposition, in order to show normal and ordinary people in a unique and surrealist way.
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