
About me

Míriam Iscla is a Catalan actress. Having finished her studies as an actress at Institute de Teatre in 1992, she and four of her classmates founded T de Teatre of which Iscla was a member for 17 years. During this period of time the company created its own style and became very popular in and outside of Catalonia. In 2008, after the critically and publicly acclaimed play Com pot ser que t’estimi tant? closed in Barcelona, Míriam Iscla left the company and continued her career as a freelancer. Since then, she has worked with several well-known Catalan directors such as Lluís Pasqual, Sergi Belbel or Josep Maria Pou. She’s recently worked under the direction of Carme Portaceli in the play Només són dones (They are only women) by Carmen Domingo.
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