About us
We stand before an international theatre company in pursuit of corporeality on stage. An experimental exploratory agency based in "Salvador Távora de la Cuadra" theatre in Seville, which is a sign of the high technical demand of each of their staging projects that combine text, dance, acrobatics or singing.
Since their inception in 2006, “Antígona”(Antigone)(2006), “La Lección”(The Lesson)(2007), “La arena, el cuchillo y la luna”(The Sand, The Knife and The Moon)(2009), “Máquina Hamlet”(The Hamlet Machine)(2013), or “Las Bacantes”(The Bacchantes) (2014) are all clear evidence of their commitment to social change through the use of a stage language that is expressive, poetic and invigorating.
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