It's always summer here, it's hot and we can't do anything but drink gin and tonics and dance to the grass.
This story speaks, above all, of the freedom of choice. Choose where to lose yourself, choose who to love, choose what to do with your body. Of identity. From the look. Other ways to read the skin.
Lovers are constantly transformed into this fierce version of the Chilean Marco Layera directed by Marta Pazos pictorial point of view. With violence. Running free through a forest of flexible boundaries, a forest open to gender diversity. Wandering lost between day and night, between human and animal, between reality and fiction, between masculine and feminine, between wakefulness and dream. A lysergic dream in which the low instincts rule the world and in which beauty always conceals dangerous intentions.
This is a comedy about love, pain, passion, sex, misunderstanding and power. It's a comedy about you and me. Because we've already been hunted and we've been hunted. This is how we spend our lives: loving, being loved, rejecting, conquering?
And what else can we do in this forest and in this heat?
For adults
Premiere Year:
Running time:
1:20 hr
disparatada, festiva, desobediente, turbadora y llena de sorpresas
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