Pink Valleys new production Zivilisierte Länder is a mixture of theatre, performance and experiment – at the same time it is discourse, ritual and parody. In German, English and Spanish the collective deals with personal stories and moments of social tension and experiments with empathy as a phenomenon that has to be aesthetically activated. It is a reaction to the right-wing populist tendencies worldwide and an attempt to counteract.
By means of an audio-walk the performance moves from the inside (the theatre space) to the outside (surrounding area), from closed space into urban nature, and continuously asks: What does it mean to be 'civilised'? Where do we draw borders, where do we build bridges, where do we find the connection between places, times and people? How do we create empathy and where does it threaten to fall apart? Through encounters and in the creative engagement with an essential topic, Pink Valley aims at provoking real experiences.
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