There's not a film without a story. Have you already tried to build a house without walls? It's the same. You can't build a house without walls. A film must have walls, Friedrich. It must have walls, do you see? - Why walls? The space between the characters can support the weight. We are talking about... the space between people. (Wim Wenders)
If there is strangeness in both bodies on scene that seem never to talk to each other directly, this is due to the fact that Levi abandons the idea of dialogue as an encounter, exchange, or convergence, and so proposes another experience, inspired by the thought of Maurice Blanchot (The Infinite Conversation) for whom the conversation takes actually place as discontinuity, in the empty space that erupts between a speech and another. Around the hole everything is edge is offered as a fable that allows itself to be interrupted, that arises from the articulation of "short manifestations" (autonomous and powerful short fragments) that repel and attract each other so as to always maintain the sense under tension.