Goddesses & Demonesses, the new creation by choreographer Blanca Li for the Theatre des Champs-Elysées, will have its world premiere in Paris on December 22nd 2015 and will feature on stage the principal dancer Maria Alexandrova together with Blanca Li.
Blanca Li will be pleased to welcome on stage this beautiful principal dancer from the Bolshoi Ballet, who will be featured for the first time in a French creation. Maria Alexandrova and Blanca Li have worked together between Paris and Moscow since October 2015 and have journeyed through the key moments of the buildup of this piece, who will embody the feminine universal creative power from the classical and primitive mythologies and expressed with their very distinctive talent.
Suitable for all ages
Premiere Year:
Running time:
1:15 hr
Without text
Opéra de Paris star Gillot’s smooth moves are the perfect complement to the more spirited gestures of Li, and so, from start to finish, it’s a wonderful meeting of minds
Cast and creatives
Other shows by Compagnie Blanca Li
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